Greek School
Greek School

Please print and complete this registration form before the time of registration.

View the class schedule for the 2024-2025 school year.

Here you will find important information, policies, and procedures related to our school. Also, uniform details and supplies needed are listed here.

View our calendar to see days off from school during 2024-2025 and special events that are happening this year.

Conversation Class
Conversation Class

We offer a Friday Conversation Class for students who want to work on speaking Greek and having conversations with friends and family.

Adult Greek Language Class
Adult Greek Language Class

Find out more about our Adult Greek Language Class.

We have a dedicated staff of teachers who will work to teach your child the language, reading, writing, dance, music, and geography.


Our P.T.A. supports our students, teachers, and school by participating in school based activities.

Greek School

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year. Greek School meets every day from 4:15 to 7:00pm with different grades each day.  
Greek Dance and/or Jr. Choir programs conveniently embedded in Greek School, offering easy weekly planning and registration.  
Greek School is offered for grades Pre-K  to 8.  Register your children according the grade they attend in American School. Our curriculum covers customs, manners, dance, Greek mythology, History, conversation and choir classes. 
Our goal is to educate our students in the Greek culture and language.   Detailed information can be found above.
Looking forward to seeing all of you in September!
Thank you in advanced for your support.
Adonia Nikitopoulos,
Greek School Principal

Greek Independence Day Celebration - March 2025 



Greek School Graduation - June 2024


For questions or concerns, email, contact the church office at (516) 433-4522 or Greek School line at (516) 433-4131